I revel in that peace. It is a balm to the inner wounds of my soul and spirit. I am walking out the process of being healed and made whole. In this healing, I am able to step forward into the ocean's waves...even as they begin to crash at my feet. He guides me, but I must keep moving forward into the depths of His love and grace.
There is freedom in this intentional forward movement. A dance with the waters, as they swirl around my knees. Oh, the freedom! I love the dance!
This is what I was created for...this freedom to walk into all He has purposed for my life.
And more...
There is freedom in this intentional forward movement. A dance with the waters, as they swirl around my knees. Oh, the freedom! I love the dance!
This is what I was created for...this freedom to walk into all He has purposed for my life.
And more...
“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” ~C.S. LewisAnd so I continue to wade into the waters, feeling the waves lift me and carry me,
"As You carry me, LORD, I surrender to Your path for my life. I feel You guiding me deeper still."
Sometimes the waves get a little rough. They rise up and slap me fully in the face. Still, I move forward as I regain my footing and catch my breath. Sometimes there is a struggle in moving forward into God's will. In breathing again, I am thrilled with the wonder of all He has created. And it fills me and enables me to continue on.
And then it happens. A rogue wave rises out of nowhere and knocks me off my feet! As the waves sweep over me, I struggle to regain my footing...there...there is the sand again. I dig in my heels to steady my body to let the waves sweep past me. Calm is restored. But I cannot move forward. I'm afraid to keep moving.
So I stand there, waist-deep. There will be more waves.
"Can You carry me, Lord? I'm not strong enough for this!"
I dig my heels further into the sand and refuse to move out into the deeper waters. I know He is calling me, but I am paralyzed with fear. I want to move...but as I hesitate, I feel the sands lifting and resettling around my feet as they sink further and further down into the sand ...the sinking sand. And I am STUCK! Unable to move forward into all He is calling me to. Into the wonder, into His grace. I feel the disgrace of the fall ...the shame of being stuck in my tracks.
And yet He calls me deeper still. Out of disgrace into His grace. As I reach out to take His hand, He pulls me out of the sinking sands. I move forward leaving fear and doubt in the wake of His love and mercy. And I am in awe of this God who loves me so.
Unstuck ... I am free! Free to walk deeper still into this calling. Into His arms...His strength. Into His grace.
What has you stuck? Let God take your hand and step forward into His grace. When you do ... those things that hold you back will begin to fall away. Leaving you free...UNSTUCK! Free to walk into all He created you to be.
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I hope that it blesses you.
(photo credits: top photo is mine. The second photo is from a stock photo on Canva...I just used picmonkey to edit and add verse).
This is beautiful! I am SO glad we were able to connect through FMF! I love connecting with other writers who appreciate the gift of prose, poetry or heart-wrenching lyrics. Thanks for stopping by my blog. God is so awesome in how he works, linking souls in unique ways. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Meg. I'm so glad you stoppped by!