For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~ Hebrews 4:12

While I am not a 'giveaway blog', I do love getting resources into my reader's hands that will enrich their walk with the Lord.
So, when the opportunity comes along to do a Study Bible giveaway, I just can't pass it up!
About the Study Bible
In the CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible, renowned Bible teacher, Dr. Gene Getz guides readers through Scripture by
expounding on 1,500 life principles found throughout the Bible.
Distilling these truths into life principles, Dr. Gene Getz helps leaders remember and apply the Bible's wisdom to everyday life. The CSB Life Essentials Study Bible integrates a multimedia digital study system with more than 250 hours of in-depth video teachings from Dr. Gene Getz on these essential life principles(accessed through smartphone-accessible QR codes). Questions follow each principle to inspire personal reflection or group discussion. A topical index and cross-references for all 1,500 life principles is included, and each book introduction provides a list of corresponding life principles found in that book.
You can find more info as well as where to order at this link:
CSB Life Essentials Study Bible
expounding on 1,500 life principles found throughout the Bible.
Distilling these truths into life principles, Dr. Gene Getz helps leaders remember and apply the Bible's wisdom to everyday life. The CSB Life Essentials Study Bible integrates a multimedia digital study system with more than 250 hours of in-depth video teachings from Dr. Gene Getz on these essential life principles(accessed through smartphone-accessible QR codes). Questions follow each principle to inspire personal reflection or group discussion. A topical index and cross-references for all 1,500 life principles is included, and each book introduction provides a list of corresponding life principles found in that book.
You can find more info as well as where to order at this link:
CSB Life Essentials Study Bible
The CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible features a highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB).
The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning,
without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.
You can read more about this translation here: CSB
without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.
You can read more about this translation here: CSB
- Commentary and application questions on 1,500 life principles
- 250 hours of free in-depth video teaching to accompany each life principle
- Two-color interior design
- Smyth-sewn bonding
- Presentation page
- Two-column text
- Topical subheadings
- Black-letter text
- 9-point type
- Textual footnotes
- Concordance
- Full-color maps
About Gene Getz
Dr. Gene Getz is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Rocky Mountain College. He has earned advanced degrees from Wheaton Graduate School and New York University. He served as a professor at Moody and Dallas Theological Seminary and then became a church planting pastor, launching the Fellowship Bible Church movement. He is heard daily on radio in a 2-minute feature entitled "Bible Principles." Dr. Getz has also authored over 60 books.
Here is Dr. Getz...
My Review
I'm a bit late getting this review out because I wanted to take a little
time to explore it on my own. So, using the copy the publisher has so graciously provided...I have been going through the book of Acts, while reading the life principles, and watching the correlating videos accessed with the QR code.
I think that if you are looking for a typical Study Bible containing a plethora of research tools while using footnotes and sidebars to explain the text, this will fall short of your expectations.
However, the Life Essentials Study Bible was designed with a different purpose in mind. The goal is to point out the life principles found throughout God's Word. These are principles that we, as God's children, are to live out daily. You will find throughout this bible that as a life principle is introduced within the context of a particular scriptural passage it will be clearly explained with notes about related it allows scripture to interpret scripture. A Reflection and Response question is provided at the end of each life principle teaching to enable you to apply these lasting biblical truths in any number of real-life situations. If you want to go a bit more in-depth in the study of that passage, you need to use the QR code to listen to Dr. Getz teaching on video(each video is around 10 minutes...some longer).
I especially appreciate the Life Essentials Study Bible APP that is available to that if you are preparing a lesson for a speaking engagement, a sermon, or teaching a class you will be able to look up a principle that you are teaching on within the Principle Finder Topics page and see all the teachings and scriptures associated with that principle. Or, you can even pull up correlating principles on a particular passage you are teaching from.
I think this will be a very useful tool in my bible study resource library.
If you are looking for a resource to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and give you direction for life in a very practical way, I believe you will love this Life Essentials Study Bible.
If you are looking for a resource to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and give you direction for life in a very practical way, I believe you will love this Life Essentials Study Bible.
You can win your own copy of the CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible, in hardcover, as pictured in my review above (a $44.99 Retail Value)!
Just leave a comment on the blog...below, and then come back here to the Rafflecopter to do all the things to be entered in the contest.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note: only US bloggers and giveaway winners are eligible due to publisher shipping limitations outside of the US as well as a later global product release date. Contest runs through May 6, 2020. A copy will be mailed out to the winner via the publisher at the end of this campaign
Note: only US bloggers and giveaway winners are eligible due to publisher shipping limitations outside of the US as well as a later global product release date. Contest runs through May 6, 2020. A copy will be mailed out to the winner via the publisher at the end of this campaign
Per LEV3L contest rules: followers can only sign up for one giveaway within this campaign
I would love this!
ReplyDeleteHi Brittney,
DeleteI wish everyone could win this Study Bible! Good luck to you!
I would love to have thus to enhance my study of God’s word
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon,
DeleteI love that you want to go deeper into the Word. Good luck!
As a women new to being a Bible study leader, I like when you said, “it helps with teaching a class you will be able to look up a principle that you are teaching on within the Principle Finder Topics page and see all the teachings and scriptures associated with that principle.” I definitely could use this as I don’t know the scriptures that well and I struggle with finding relatable scriptures for backup my teachings.
ReplyDeleteHi Debra,
DeleteSo happy you made your way over to enter the contest! I love that you are stepping out in being a Bible study leader! You might want to download the Life Essentials Study Bible App...I think you would find it useful with or without the actual Study Bible.
This Bible sounds awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you think so. Did you enter the giveaway?
DeleteThanks for giving us a chance to win
ReplyDeleteHi Noelle,
DeleteI'm happy to see you entered the giveaway. I wish everyone could win.
Thanks for a chance to win Gay.
ReplyDeleteThis Bible sounds like it has interesting helps added. Good luck to all.
Hi Treion!
DeleteSo happy you came by and entered the giveaway! Good luck and blessings to you!
I like the 9 point type along with the topical index and cross-references.